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En skudsikker vest er ikke 100% skudiskker

Testing bulletproof and stab proof vests

At Elite Armor we find it important that the vests we sell, have in fact been testet in real life — we feel that this is the best way to ensure that our vests will in fact protect your life.
Find all our bulletproof vests here and see the tests of our vests below.

Elite Armor Xtreme bulletproof vest

Elite Armor RX2 bulletproof vest

Elite Armor Stab Resistant vest

Elite Armor Impact bulletproof vest

Stiksikker vest testet med knive

Skudsikker vest testet med Magnum 357

Skudtest af skudsikker vest - testet med 22 LR

Test af skudsikker vest - se hvordan vores skudsikre vest klarer skud fra 9 mm Luger